17th Anniversary of Mexican Gray Wolf Reintroduction: By the 1970’s Mexican gray wolves were eradicated in the United States and only a handful remained in Mexico. But seventeen years ago this March 29th, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, then led by Jamie Rappaport Clark (now president of Defenders of Wildlife), brought the first 11 captive-bred Mexican gray wolves back into the wild in Arizona and New Mexico. Since their release 17 years ago, the Mexican gray wolf population has grown to 109 wolves. This is certainly progress, but by no means are Mexican gray wolves recovered; they still remain the most endangered subspecies of wolf in the entire world. Nonetheless, we are encouraged by the fortitude of these amazing, iconic wolves over the past 17 years. Now we need to ensure that the Fish and Wildlife Service does right by the lobos and makes a plan for long-term recovery so that we can celebrate the presence of wild lobos for years to come!

Idaho Department of Fish and Game Hearing a Howling Success: Last week we encouraged you to show your wolf support by joining us at a special meeting of the Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)’s Fish and Game Commission. The support report? A+! Thanks to members and wolf advocates who attended, the meeting in Boise this past Monday was a real example of how much the people of Idaho want to see gray wolves protected throughout the state.

Hook, line and sinker: We recently came across some amazing wolf footage from Katmai National Park and Preserve in Alaska. In the park and region, salmon runs provide a main source of nutrition for wolves during the summer. This video shows a gray wolf fishing for his food – and giving another local wildlife resident a run for his money. Looks like bears aren’t the only ones who have mastered the art of surveying the stream; this wolf is no fish out of water when it comes to catching a nice salmon dinner!



Wildlife & Wild Places

Fisher release on Mount Rainier

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