Your weekly roundup of wildlife news from across the country.


The Lobo’s Day in Court:

On Wednesday, Jan. 18 the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals held a hearing on the state of New Mexico’s preliminary injunction, which has halted Mexican gray wolf releases for months now. Defenders of Wildlife was present, arguing on behalf of our conservation partners and wonderful members like you who want to see the lobo recovered. The Mexican gray wolf, or lobo, is the most endangered gray wolf in the world; it’s racing the clock on extinction in the wild. And New Mexico is paving the way for lobo extinction. With only 97 lobos in the U.S. wild and fewer than 25 in Mexico, we need more wolves and less politics. (The annual count set to be released next month will give us some updated numbers – watch this space!) We will make sure to let you know when the court makes their final decision on this injunction.

Read about the appeals court hearing >>>


Conservation highlighted in California’s state budget:

Governor Jerry Brown unveiled California’s state budget for 2017-2018, and there was some great news for conservation! Gov. Brown’s proposed 2017-18 budget highlighted the long-term structural imbalance between the Department of Fish and Wildlife’s mandated responsibilities to manage California’s “diverse fish, wildlife and plant resources and the habitat on which they depend, for their ecological value and for their use and enjoyment by the public” and the funds needed to support this expansive mission.  Specifically, the Governor’s budget calls out the “importance of long-term sustainable funding in a state that has more biodiversity than any other.”

Learn about our priorities in California >>>


Defenders launch a new tool!

To increase community engagement in spill preparedness and response planning, the Alaska Program has developed a new online interactive tool that combines layers of critical data from the experts both locally and beyond. We call it the Bering Strait Response Teaching Tool (BSRTT).

Check out the new tool here >>>


Stream Protection Rule:

This week Defenders of Wildlife, along with Earthjustice and a coalition of community and conservation groups, filed a motion to participate in two lawsuits that seek to undermine the Stream Protection Rule. This rule would be critical to endangered species and finally hold mining companies accountable for their polluting industry. For 20 years, mining activity has filled streams with dirty water, destroyed wildlife habitat and irrevocably altered entire landscapes forever. The Stream Protection Rule will finally provide meaningful protection for important wildlife habitat and drinking water supplies for millions of people. But several states are filing a lawsuit to stop the rule from being made law. The states that are challenging this rule seek to maintain the status quo, where mining companies are free to dump their wastes into our streams, and Defenders of Wildlife will vigorously defend this critically-important rule in the courts and, if need be, in Congress!

Read about a treasure that would be protected by this rule >>>


Panther cub death:

A three-month-old male panther kitten was killed on Keri Road in Hendry County on January 12. A mother panther and two kittens were crossing the road and the driver swerved to avoid the family but ended up hitting one of the kittens. This happened east of the Okaloacoochee Slough State Forest nighttime slower speed panther zone Defenders helped get designated a few years ago.

Learn about threats to panthers >>>


No-good nominations:

Both Rep. Ryan Zinke and Scott Pruitt had confirmation hearings this week to head up the Department of the Interior and Environmental Protection Agency, respectively, and it’s bad news for wildlife. Both nominees are on the record opposing wildlife and environmental protections. Defenders of Wildlife will work tirelessly to hold both nominees accountable should they be confirmed, and we’re urging our Congressmen to think long and hard about future generations of both people and wildlife before voting.

Read about the Department of Interior Nominee Rep. Zinke >>>
Read about the EPA Administrator Nominee Scott Pruitt >>>


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