Your weekly roundup of wildlife news from across the country.


First fisher sighting in IA since mid-1800s:
An Iowa Department of Natural Resources’ trail cam caught the species on camera after reports of them being spotted in the wild.

See the photo of the furry yet fierce animal >>>


Scientists Agree: It’s Time to End the War on Wildlife:
Scientists published a special collection of articles criticizing lethal control of predators this month after more then 3.2 million animals were killed in 2015.

Read more on how the ESA has saved wildlife predators >>>


Beverly Hills auction executive indicted for rhino horn sales:
The man, identified as Jacob Chait, has been charged with conspiring to facilitate the sale and exportation of 15 rhinoceros’ horns worth over two million dollars.

Find out more about the case and wildlife trafficking >>>


Garbage patches:
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)’s Office of Response and Restoration wrote about some common myths and misconceptions surrounding the term “garbage patch”.

Learn more about what they are and what we can do to help >>>


Good news for the Mexican gray wolf population:
US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) released new data that the population of the endangered Mexican gray wolf rose from 97 wolves last year, to 113 this year.

Read how the good news doesn’t mean they are out of the woods yet >>>


Major change detected for our oceans:
It’s official: The oceans are losing oxygen, posing growing threats to marine life. One of the most profound consequences of climate change is now becoming manifest.

Learn more about the consequences of a continuing loss of oceanic oxygen >>>



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