Support Defenders of Wildlife by Using CleanChoice Energy
Global climate change is one of the leading threats facing wildlife today - and generating clean, renewable electricity is one of the best ways to combat it. That's why Defenders of Wildlife has partnered with CleanChoice Energy - a 100% clean energy company that is committed to protecting the environment and wildlife - to help supporters like you put your power bill to work for good.
CleanChoice energy will make a donation to Defenders of Wildlife for every Defenders supporter who signs up.
Making the switch takes just minutes! All you need to get started is your electric utility account number. Are you ready to make the change? Click here or call 1-800-754-8559.
Don’t live in a state where you can pick your energy supplier? Work in your community to gain support for retail energy choice to provide consumers with the right to shop for clean energy.
Ethical Electric is now doing business as CleanChoice Energy!