Coexisting with: 

Coexisting with Mexican Gray Wolves

Mexican gray wolves were wiped out from their native habitat in the United States by the mid-1970’s. Only a handful of Mexican gray wolves remained in captivity. After being reintroduced to the wild over two decades ago, the Mexican gray wolf is still one of the rarest mammals in North America, with only around 130 individuals in the wild. 

There are many hurdles hindering the recovery of the Mexican wolf, including illegal killing, declining genetic diversity, and federal legislation aimed at removing protections for the wolf. As the population slowly recovers, Defenders works directly with ranchers and tribal members to implement proven techniques to keep wolves and livestock safe. These include using range riders to watch over livestock, moving livestock away from wolf dens, erecting special fencing and more.

We can coexist with the lobos

We call on our local, state and our federal leaders to fund important collaborative solutions as partners in this effort so that we can once and for all achieve our vision where wolves and people together can both thrive.

Field Notes June 2019

Defenders teamed-up with the California Wolf Center to support a field internship program, where volunteers help monitor wolves and implement conflict-reduction tools and techniques.

Coexisting with Mexican Gray Wolves: A Tale of Partnerships

Successful wolf recovery will require significant expansion of conflict avoidance planning, project coordination and implementation of tools and strategies. 

Wildlife and Wild Places

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