Endangered Species Day Gif - This Endangered Species Day Help Save Our Species

How Many Days Until Endangered Species Day?



With leading scientists increasingly sounding the alarm about the biodiversity crisis, one that threatens the extinction of nearly a million species in the coming decades, the need for decisive action has never been greater.  This Endangered Species Day, and every day, we must fulfill our promises to protect and preserve all the species that share this planet with us. 

Protect the World’s Most Endangered Animals This Endangered Species Day

Join Defenders of Wildlife as we celebrate Endangered Species Day and share the stories of some of the world’s most endangered animals.  

Read the Blog

A Look Back at 50 Years of the Endangered Species Act

Check out the animals and plants helped by the ESA and showcased in our 50th anniversary celebration! 

Connected by Culture

In his essay written for Defenders' Winter 2022 magazine, prominent ecologist Carl Safina delves into the role culture plays in helping species stay resilient in a changing world.

Grizzly Bear
Janko Ferlic

" "

...the ESA is our best tool to protect biodiversity and prevent extinction. But it needs people like you and me, leading with advocacy, demanding accountability, and ensuring it is adequately funded…. ~Jamie Rappaport Clark, President and CEO

Read the Blog!

The Endangered Species Act: Why It Matters

Read More About the ESA

Ivory-billed Woodpecker by artist Louis Agassiz Fuertes
Washington, D.C.

23 Species Lost to Extinction

Gray wolf yearlings from Lamar Canyon pack in Yellowstone NP
Helena, Montana

Montana Proposes Increase in Wolf Hunting Quota

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