Depredations Lead to Removal of Profanity Peak Wolf Pack

The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) has identified at least seven cattle depredations (four confirmed and three probable) by the Profanity Peak Wolf Pack. Based on the policies agreed upon by the Washington Wolf Advisory Group, lethal removal of pack members is permissible, and WDFW has authorized removal in an attempt to break the cycle of wolf attacks on livestock in the area.

Statement by Shawn Cantrell, Northwest program director for Defenders of Wildlife

The Profanity Peak wolf pack has been roaming the Kettle range, a mountainous river range that stretches from the confluence with the Columbia River and north to the Canadian border since at least 2014. Sadly, in the past month there have been four confirmed cattle depredations in the area, as well as three additional probable depredations.

“Once the depredations occurred, state wildlife officials stepped in and tried multiple tools in their non-lethal toolbox to address the issue but ultimately they weren’t enough. It’s a disappointing day when the state has to move forward with the last resort of lethal control, but we have come to that day. Removing members of the Profanity Peak wolf pack is a loss to wolf recovery efforts in the region. The best thing to do is to learn from this sad outcome and redouble our collective efforts to proactively prevent future livestock-wolf conflicts.

“Defenders of Wildlife will continue to work with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, livestock operators and our partners in the conservation community around the clock to allow wolves and livestock to safely share the same landscape.”



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