Sea Otter Awareness Week

September 22 – 28, 2024

Annually, throughout the last full week of September, we celebrate sea otters during Sea Otter Awareness Week. We encourage zoological and educational institutions, governmental agencies and communities to plan and undertake events that highlight sea otters. These activities include sharing stories, disseminating science and generating media that inspire a deeper awareness of these unique marine mammals, their ecological importance and the many challenges they face.

Sea Otter Awareness Week is organized and sponsored by Defenders of Wildlife, Sea Otter Savvy, California Department of Parks and Recreation, the Elakha Alliance, and the Monterey Bay Aquarium.

2024 Theme: Together We Thrive

This year’s Sea Otter Awareness Week theme highlights the interconnectedness of humans, sea otters and the environment. It encourages communities, organizations and individuals to work together for a healthier, more sustainable future.

Over the next 50 years, the transforming climate and detrimental actions by people will impose intense and undesirable effects on coastal habitats. Together We Thrive underscores how collective action can lead to significant positive impacts on sea otter conservation. It draws attention to the ways local communities, conservation groups, scientists and policymakers can join forces to tackle environmental challenges, establish sustainable practices and foster responsible stewardship of our natural resources.

If we cooperate, we can create a harmonious balance where sea otters flourish, coastal ecosystems achieve greater resilience and human communities realize the profound connections we share with the natural world.

Click logo to see animation! 

Logo design: Heather Barrett @HBarrett_Otter

Join Defenders of Wildlife’s Sea Otters Facebook Group

Calendar of Events


Daily Dose of Otter Goodness: September 23 - 27

10:30 AM, 1:30 PM, 3:30 PM PDT (narrated sessions) | Host: Monterey Bay Aquarium

Tune in daily during Sea Otter Awareness Week to watch sea otters playing, grooming, snoozing, and eating. And catch the feeding, training and enrichment sessions each day, where the Aquarium’s animal care staff interacts with and enriches the lives of the feisty and inquisitive otters.

Follow along on the Sea Otter Cam! 


Sea Otter Art Online Silent Auction: September 22 - 28

12:00 AM (9/22) - 6:00 pm (9/28) PDT | Host: Elakha Alliance

Art can become a catalyst for change. Twenty-four artists from across the US created and donated 26 works, including a custom-made ukulele, and students from North Bend High School contributed 20 more artworks. This silent auction will run throughout Sea Otter Awareness Week!

View the art and bid


qʰamosʼ wehke (sea otters) in Kashia Territory

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM PDT | Hosts: The Noyo Center and Sea Otter Savvy

In this special We Were Here sea otter event, the Kashia Band of Pomo Indians will share their history and cultural relationships with sea otters and describe the impacts of the fur trade and the lack of coastal access on the Kashia community. Presenters will also describe current projects that support sea otter reintroduction and coastal restoration.

Join the Livestream Here

Morro Bay, CA

Every Otter Counts! A short film by Lars Nelson

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM PDT | Host: California State Parks

Walk the red carpet for the premiere screening of Every Otter Counts! This short film by Lars Nelson chronicles the efforts of Sea Otter Savvy and the vision that drives its mission. A Q&A session and otter-themed crafts for kids will follow the film.

Morro Bay Museum of Natural History 

Watsonville, CA

Elkhorn Slough Reserve Open House

10:00 AM - 3:00 PM PDT | Host: Elkhorn Slough Reserve

This year’s free Open House—on the shore of prime sea otter habitat—will include crafts and games, booths highlighting research and restoration, demonstrations by wildlife wardens, bird walks and more!

Open House Details

In-person Events and Activities Map

For in-person Sea Otter Awareness Week events and activities, click on the map to find an event near you! 

Expand map by clicking the "View Larger Map" button in the upper-right corner.

Sea Otter Awareness Week Viewing and Education Stations 

Sea Otter Awareness Week 2024 Viewing Stations Flyer
Raft of Sea Otters Above a Kelp Bed
Lawrence Swayne

The Extraordinary Sea Otter

Tour the special places that play a part in the past, present and future recovery of California's sea otters!

Explore Sea Otters
Southern sea otters float at Moss Landing, California.
Lilian Carswell/USFWS

Check out these Live Sea Otter Cameras all year!

Detroit Zoo
Sea Otter Live Cam

Georgia Aquarium
Southern Sea Otter Webcam

Monterey Bay Aquarium
Sea Otter Cam

Oregon Coast Aquarium
Sea Otter Live Camera

Seattle Aquarium
Live Otter Cams 

Vancouver Aquarium
 Sea Otter Cams 

Wildlife and Wild Places

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