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Wildlife Nation  >  Episode 20

Join host Jeff Corwin on an exploration of the tantalizing world of turtles! First, Jeff journeys into the wilderness of southern Florida to save gopher tortoises from a land development project that threatens to bury them alive. Jeff uses a massive earth mover to dig up the tortoises from their deep burrows and then relocates them to protected habitat. Next, Jeff dives with endangered green sea turtles off the Atlantic coast to help scientists monitor their delicate population. Later, Jeff travels to his home state of Massachusetts to save a tiny terrapin that lives in the wetland marsh.

Black-Footed Ferret in Burrow
Image Credit
Kerry Hargrove/iStockphoto

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Behind the Scenes

Rescue, Rehabilitate and Release Means Hope for Sea Turtles

Sometimes wildlife, like sea turtles, need a helping hand when injured by boat strikes, ingestion of plastic pollution, entanglement, and other threats. Read more about the importance of rehabilitation centers for Florida’s sea turtles.

Defenders Helps Florida Pass a Uniform Partition of Heirs Proper

The Uniform Partition of Heirs Property Act helps families in Florida clear title to their land and provides opportunities to obtain farm loans, crop insurance, and disaster aid. Learn more about how this act helps families in Florida keep their land and protects the wildlife habitat their land provides.


Rescuing a Gopher Tortoise, and Protecting a Species

Gopher tortoises face numerous threats, including habitat loss! Our senior Northwest Florida representative works with partners to relocate these wonderful creatures, including those rescued on this week’s episode. Read more about the rescue and how we protect this imperiled species!

Hawksbill sea turtle
Jag_cz / Adobe Stock

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Support Defenders of Wildlife in our mission to save endangered and imperiled species and the habitats they need to survive. Your support will ensure our expert team of scientists, lawyers, wildlife advocates and activists have the resources needed to drive lasting change for wildlife.


After the Show

Our Work

Defenders of Wildlife works on the ground, in the courts, and on Capitol Hill to protect and restore imperiled wildlife and habitats across North America. Learn more about what we do!

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Wildlife and Wild Places

Desert Tortoise
Loggerhead sea turtle hatchling
Ocean Wave