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Wildlife Nation  >  Episode 24

Join host Jeff Corwin on an epic adventure from Florida to California to Alaska to better understand how climate change is impacting some of North America’s most iconic creatures. First, Jeff uncovers precious sea turtle nests on the beach of Boca Raton and discovers how warming beaches are affecting developing turtles inside the egg. Later, Jeff makes his way to California to understand how drought and habitat loss is impacting the giant garter snake. Then, Jeff makes his way to the remote wilderness of Alaska where bison and musk ox are adapting to the rapidly changing Alaska ecosystem.

Black-Footed Ferret in Burrow
Image Credit
Kerry Hargrove/iStockphoto

Protect the Endangered Species Act

Let your representatives know that wildlife and the environment are an important issue! Take action and urge them to defend this landmark law and protect threatened and endangered species for generations to come.

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Behind the Scenes

Climate Change Guide

Check out our interactive field guide to learn about how climate change impacts the wildlife, and their habitat, across North America!

The Intrepid Sea Turtle

Our senior Florida representative reflects on her experience filming for Wildlife Nation and how it connects to work we do to protect the wildlife we all cherish!


Time to Expand America’s National Wildlife Refuge System

As impacts from climate change, habitat loss and human development escalate, the National Wildlife Refuge System becomes even more crucial for wildlife and plants alike. Read more about the importance of these refuges and the need for expansion!

Hawksbill sea turtle
Jag_cz / Adobe Stock

America’s Wildlife Are Counting On You

Support Defenders of Wildlife in our mission to save endangered and imperiled species and the habitats they need to survive. Your support will ensure our expert team of scientists, lawyers, wildlife advocates and activists have the resources needed to drive lasting change for wildlife.


After the Show

Our Work

Defenders of Wildlife works on the ground, in the courts, and on Capitol Hill to protect and restore imperiled wildlife and habitats across North America. Learn more about what we do!

For The Family

Find ways that your family can help take care of the plants and animals in your backyard with our fun Junior Defender activities!

Wildlife and Wild Places