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Wildlife Nation  >  Episode 7

Join host Jeff Corwin on an adventure to the great state of Alaska as he explores a few of the incredible animals that call it home. Jeff begins on the shores of the icy Cook Inlet helping conservationists monitor a population of endangered beluga whales. Then, Jeff travels to the Kodiak Islands where the native Alutiiq people are managing a population of American bison. Finally, Jeff explores the fertile, flowering fields of Alaska to help an important study into one of Alaska’s most critical species: the western bumblebee. Check out an exclusive clip below!

Black-Footed Ferret in Burrow
Image Credit
Kerry Hargrove/iStockphoto

Protect the Endangered Species Act

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Behind the Scenes

Don’t allow toxic dumping in Cook Inlet!

Cook Inlet belugas are on the brink of extinction – but we can help them right now by keeping toxic waste out of their home. Send a message to the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation today! 


Numbers Drop for Cook Inlet Belugas

The pressing need to protect Cook Inlet belugas—our charismatic canaries of the sea up here in Alaska—is an urgent priority for our team. We sounded the alarm in 2020 and remain dedicated to protecting this beloved species. Read more about their dire situation! 


Cook Inlet Belugapalooza

In place of the annual Beglua’s Count! Event, Defenders hosted a virtual Belugapalooza event! The 2020 event was a perfect way to educate people about belugas and invite even more people to become advocates for this imperiled species. Read more from our Alaska team! 

Hawksbill sea turtle
Jag_cz / Adobe Stock

America’s Wildlife Are Counting On You

Support Defenders of Wildlife in our mission to save endangered and imperiled species and the habitats they need to survive. Your support will ensure our expert team of scientists, lawyers, wildlife advocates and activists have the resources needed to drive lasting change for wildlife.


After the Show

Our Work

Defenders of Wildlife works on the ground, in the courts, and on Capitol Hill to protect and restore imperiled wildlife and habitats across North America. Learn more about what we do!

For The Family

Find ways that your family can help take care of the plants and animals in your backyard with our fun Junior Defender activities!

Wildlife and Wild Places

Bison in snow
Northern Lights Over Brooks Range Alaska
Bee on Flower
Beluga Whale Pod Chuckchi Sea