Defenders of Wildlife has fought tirelessly this year against serious attacks on endangered species, public lands, the laws that protect our natural heritage and efforts to mitigate climate change. Through it all, you’ve stood by us and helped fend off these threats to the wildlife we care for so deeply. On behalf of Defenders, I want to thank you for your generosity – for your time, your talents, your voices, your donations and your support throughout the year. Without you, none of our work would have been possible.
In this season of giving thanks, I’m reminded of how each of us can raise our voice to help change the world. I am amazed by Defenders’ more than 1.8 million members and activists and the passion you give to our collective work. We filed lawsuits to protect Red Wolves and other critters on your behalf; we submitted more than 800,000 of your public comments opposing changes to the Endangered Species Act; we connected with you at volunteer events like Belugas Count! and at our Workshops and Walkabouts; we encouraged you to speak to your elected officials at lobby days; and we asked you to share Defenders’ message and work far and wide, growing support for wildlife all over the country. Across the board, you stepped up and helped when we needed you the most!
This year, we learned that nearly 1 million species are in danger of extinction, North America has lost about 3 billion birds since 1970, climate change is threatening almost all endangered species and the Trump administration has taken direct aim at the Endangered Species Act. Despite some seriously turbulent times and challenges all around us, I know we are so successful because of your many contributions to conservation.
Giving Tuesday is a global movement that brings us together for one day to work for a better world. Please consider Defenders of Wildlife in this season of giving thanks. We hope that generations to come will have a chance to see wolves run across Yellowstone’s Lamar Valley, view the grandeur of the desert Southwest, snorkel among intact coral reefs teeming with life, catch a glimpse of a Florida panther through the trees, join birdwatchers counting migrating flocks and fall in love with the nature that surrounds and sustains us. Please join us on Giving Tuesday in making this dream a reality and protecting our wildlife and wild lands. It’s never been more important for everyone to act. I know we can succeed with you on our side.
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