The Farm Bill is among our most important federal policies for wildlife conservation. This expansive legislation governs many aspects of our nation’s production of food and fiber, from farm income and crop insurance to nutrition programs and rural development.
But Farm Bill programs are also essential for wildlife that depend on private land. Voluntary, incentive-based programs provide support to producers to conserve wildlife and habitat on their land, while pollinators and soil health help enhance our nation’s food security. These programs can also help to prevent environmental disasters such as dust storms.
For more information on the Farm Bill and its importance for wildlife, check out our Farm Bill 101 video series:
Farm Bill 101: Overview
Farm Bill 101: The Commodities Title and Livestock Indemnity Program
Farm Bill 101: The Forestry Title and the Healthy Forest Reserve Program
Farm Bill 101: The Conservation Title
Farm Bill 101: Conservation Compliance Provisions
Defenders: A Day in the Life - Touring a Regenerative Farm
2024 Farm Bill
The Farm Bill is up for renewal, and Defenders of Wildlife is working with Congress to ensure that the bill’s working lands and agricultural support programs equitably provide for productive and resilient wildlife habitat on private land.
Take action on the next Farm Bill!
Equity in Agriculture: Conserving Farms and Wildlife Together
For more information on the 2023 Farm Bill, please visit:
Defenders' blog on the 2023 Farm Bill and its importance to wildlife
Defenders 2023 Farm Bill Recommendations
Defenders 2023 Farm Bill Recommendations (summary)
Opinion article from Defenders' President and CEO on the 2024 Farm Bill
Defenders' blog on equity in agriculture
Defenders' blog on Farming with Wildlife and the Future in Mind
To hear from farmers who are helping to conserve wildlife on their working lands, check out these op-ed's:
New Mexico:
A coalition of 31 organizations developed recommendations for the next Farm Bill to work even better for natural resources, climate resilience, agricultural productivity, and equity in access to Farm Bill conservation programs. In March 2023, these organizations delivered the recommendations to members of the House and Senate Agriculture Committees.
Coalition members include the American Farmland Trust, Amphibian and Reptile Conservancy, Defenders of Wildlife, Izaak Walton League of America, National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition, National Wildlife Federation, Natural Resources Defense Council, Soil and Water Conservation Society, Trust for Public Land, Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation, and others.
Farm Bill coalition recommendations