Gray Wolf Stare
David Friend

De-Horrifying Wolves

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After being nearly hunted to extinction in the lower 48 states, gray wolves have returned to the Great Lakes, Northern Rockies, California, and the Pacific Northwest.

Despite this monumental progress, gray wolves have yet to re-establish sustainable populations in much of the available habitat in the continental U.S. Federal protections are critical for wolves to recover, but wolves are being denied those protections in the Northern Rockies. Read why and learn the history of protections for wolves in the lower 48 states.

History of Wolf Recovery

1995 Yellowstone Gray Wolf Reintroduction



25 Years of Mexican Gray Wolves in the Wild




Coexisting with Wolves

Gray Wolf Howling
AB Photography/iStockphoto

Coexisting with Gray Wolves

Red Wolf pup
Mel Cunningham/USFWS

Coexisting with Red Wolves

Mexican gray wolf
Jim Clark/USFWS

Coexisting with Mexican Gray Wolves


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