Please Vote NO on H.R. 764

103 groups signed this letter urging representatives to vote NO on H.R. 764, the Trust the Science Act, which is expected to be considered on

FY 2014 Funding Priorities for Wildlife

Outlines the funding levels Defenders of Wildlife is advocating for in Fiscal Year 2014 for the US Fish and Wildlife Service, the US Forest Service

FY 2014 House Interior Bill Harms Wildlife

Describes the funding cuts included in the the FY 2014 Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies appropriations bill drafted by the House Appropriations Committee and outlines

Coexistence In Action

Conflicts between people and wildlife pose a serious challenge to conservation. Too often, the response to a conflict is to kill the wildlife, an approach

Coexistence Tools and Techniques

Americans are fortunate to share the landscape with a spectacular abundance of wildlife. That means, however, that people and wildlife sometimes come into conflict: Predators

Coexisting With Wolves in Idaho's Wood River Valley

The Wood River Wolf Project combines a wide variety of nonlethal tools and methods to keep wolves away from livestock, minimizing livestock losses and building

Coexisting with Polar Bears

When sea ice melts, polar bears are forced to look for food on land, a search that is increasingly bringing them into contact - and

Coexisting with Grizzly Bears

The biggest factor affecting grizzly bear recovery is human-related mortality. Defenders works with landowners, ranchers, government agencies and other partners to find solutions to these

Coexisting with Mexican Wolves and Jaguars

The southwestern United States are home to two predators struggling to regain their footing in their historic habitat: Jaguars and Mexican gray wolves. Defenders of

Places for Wolves

The newest update of Places for Wolves details the history of wolves in the lower 48 states and Defenders' role in the restoration and recovery
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