This oil and gas extraction project threatens to unleash 260 million metric tons of CO2 into the atmosphere over the next 30 years. 

In the process, it’ll industrialize thousands of acres of habitat for animals like threatened polar bears and caribou into a polluted and noisy oil field. 

Millions of people oppose this reckless project – but the Biden administration has bowed to oil lobbyists and is allowing the Willow Project to move forward anyway. 

The Arctic is warming several times faster than the rest of the planet. Allowing oil companies to break ground on this project will spell a death sentence for the Arctic and the animals that live there. 

Defenders will fight this disastrous project every step of the way. We’re suing the Biden administration to shut down this development before irreversible damage can be done – please join us with your support today and check out our #StopWillow Advocate Toolkit!

Polar Bear and Cub on Ice - Alaska
NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration

Stop the Willow Project

Add your signature to say NO to the Willow Project! Polar bears and other Arctic wildlife are counting on us! 

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Learn more about the National Petroleum Reserve - Alaska

Alaska's western Arctic encompasses a vast, wild stretch of land called the National Petroleum Reserve – Alaska. At 23 million acres it is the largest single unit of public land in the nation.

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Wildlife Weekly Wrap-Up


Wildlife Weekly Wrap-Up

“We remain committed to protecting the western Arctic and look forward to the court’s full consideration of the Willow project, including its impacts to polar bears threatened with extinction and massive carbon emissions that will worsen the climate crisis for decades to come.”

Willow Project by the Numbers

million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions will be emitted by Willow over the course of 30 years.
million individuals told the white house and Department of Interior to stop Willow.
acres of Arctic habitat will be industrialized that polar bears and caribou depend on for survival.

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