Help A Child You Know Learn About Nature.
You don’t need to be a conservation expert to support your child’s natural curiosity about plants and animals. By encouraging them to explore, sharing in their discoveries and asking them questions, you’ll empower them to defend wildlife from an early age. And we need kids now more than ever.
Help a Junior Defender you know use all their senses to observe the natural world around them.
Look up in a tree or under a rock. What creatures do they see?
Listen to the birds and other animals calling to each other in the park. Can you tell if they are warning each other about danger? Or trying to find their friends?
Smell the air around you. Can the child with you smell any flowers where a bee or butterfly might find a tasty snack?
Touch the bark on a tree. Can you tell the difference between the types of trees by feeling the different textures and patterns?
Taste an apple or some herbs. Do any of these edible plants grow wild in your neighborhood?
Find ways that you and the kids in your community can help take care of plants and animals. Encourage them to do Junior Defender activities with friends, family and classmates at the playground or a local park.