St. Petersburg, Fl.

Florida Manatees to Receive Nearly 2 Million Acres of Revised Protected Habitat

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on Monday proposed a revised critical habitat plan that would protect 1,904,191 acres of critical habitat for the Florida
Red Knots and Horseshoe Crabs

Defenders of Wildlife Statement on Dismissal of Challenge to Cape Romain Refuge Management

Defenders of Wildlife celebrates today the dismissal of a challenge by the state of South Carolina to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s authority to
Baby Green Sea Turtles on the beach
Washington, DC

More Than 80 Conservation Groups Call on Members of Congress To Oppose New House Bill Targeting Endangered Species Act

More than 80 conservation groups representing millions of Americans are calling on members of Congress to oppose a new bill (H.R. 9533) targeting the Endangered Species Act (ESA). The “ESA Amendments Act of 2024,” which House Natural Resources Chair Bruce Westerman (R-Ark.) is proposing, would dramatically weaken the bedrock environmental law by decreasing protections for threatened and endangered species and rewriting key portions of it.

Press Releases

Duffy Lake view through trees - Oregon
Washington, DC

Defenders Opposes Reckless Senate Vote To Prevent Increased Protections for Bat Species Heading Towards Extinction

Defenders of Wildlife strongly opposes the Senate’s passage of legislation brought under the Congressional Review Act (CRA) to remove the endangered status for northern long-eared
Lesser Prairie Chicken

Defenders of Wildlife Condemns Pro-Extinction Senate Vote to Delist Lesser Prairie-Chicken

Today, in a 50-48 vote, the U.S. Senate passed legislation to delist threatened and endangered populations of lesser prairie-chicken using the Congressional Review Act (CRA).
Gray Wolf in Snowy Landscape
Denver, CO

Colorado Finalizes Plan to Reintroduce Gray Wolves

The Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission today adopted the final draft of the agency’s Wolf Restoration and Management Plan with a unanimous vote. This comes after nearly two years of collecting input from a broad range of stakeholders, including ranchers, scientists, hunters, advocates, wolf experts and community members.  
A Lesser Prairie Chicken male in New Mexico
Washington, DC

Defenders Opposes Senate Legislation to Strip Protections from Endangered Bird

The U.S. Senate is scheduled to vote today on S.J Res. 9, an unprecedented attack on the Endangered Species Act, that if made law could
Oregon Renewables
Washington, DC

New Report from Defenders of Wildlife and Partners Provides Guidelines for Responsibly Siting Renewable Energy Projects in Oregon

Defenders of Wildlife and partner organizations today released a new report offering guidelines for the responsible siting of renewable energy projects to minimize environmental impacts and urges greater community engagement and local benefits throughout the planning and development process.
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