St. Petersburg, Fl.

Florida Manatees to Receive Nearly 2 Million Acres of Revised Protected Habitat

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on Monday proposed a revised critical habitat plan that would protect 1,904,191 acres of critical habitat for the Florida
Red Knots and Horseshoe Crabs

Defenders of Wildlife Statement on Dismissal of Challenge to Cape Romain Refuge Management

Defenders of Wildlife celebrates today the dismissal of a challenge by the state of South Carolina to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s authority to
Baby Green Sea Turtles on the beach
Washington, DC

More Than 80 Conservation Groups Call on Members of Congress To Oppose New House Bill Targeting Endangered Species Act

More than 80 conservation groups representing millions of Americans are calling on members of Congress to oppose a new bill (H.R. 9533) targeting the Endangered Species Act (ESA). The “ESA Amendments Act of 2024,” which House Natural Resources Chair Bruce Westerman (R-Ark.) is proposing, would dramatically weaken the bedrock environmental law by decreasing protections for threatened and endangered species and rewriting key portions of it.

Press Releases

Piping plover mom and chick
Washington, DC

Defenders' Response to Lieberman's Drilling Comments

Today, Sen. Joe Lieberman said provisions to expand offshore oil and gas drilling will remain in a draft Senate climate and energy bill he has coauthored with Sens. John Kerry and Lindsey Graham.
Black wolf yellowstone
Cheyenne, WY

Conservation coalition calls for clean energy in Powder River Basin of Wyoming

A coalition of conservation groups late yesterday called on the U.S. Interior Board of Land Appeals to halt the mining and sale of more than 400 million tons of coal in the Powder River Basin of northeastern Wyoming to safeguard clean air, protect the climate, and open the door for clean energy.
Gray whale mom and calf California
Washington, DC

Defenders' statement on Gulf oil spill disaster

Oil from the BP Deepwater Horizon blowout has made landfall on the Gulf coast; it is expected to hit the Delta and Breton National Wildlife Refuges before reaching the mainland. The Department of Homeland Security has declared the Deepwater Horizon Gulf spill of "national significance" and multiple agencies are mobilizing to control the spread of oil.
Single Joshua Tree at end of rainbow
Sacramento, CA

Feds say the Mohave ground squirrel may face extinction

The Mohave ground squirrel's survival is most threatened by loss of habitat due to urban and suburban sprawl, rural development, agriculture, military activities, livestock grazing and off-highway vehicle use.
Peregrine falcon
Washington, DC

FWS unveils new vision for wind-energy siting and wildlife

“Wind energy is an important part of our clean energy future, but for it to be truly successful, we need thoughtful long-term planning that takes wildlife and habitat conservation into consideration. These draft guidelines will go a long way toward ensuring that future wind energy development is compatible with birds, bats and other wildlife."
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