
Clean Water, Healthy Futures: Orca Month Targets Toxics
Volunteers and advocates across Washington will speak out against toxic pollutants that harm orcas, salmon and people during Orca Action Month. This year’s theme is

Southern Resident Orcas Receive Oregon Endangered Species Protections
The Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission voted today to protect Southern Resident orcas under the state’s Endangered Species Act, responding to a February 2023 petition

Defenders Statement on J-Pod Orca Calf Presumed Dead
The Southern resident orca calf reportedly born to the J-Pod at the end of December 2023 is presumed dead, according to the Center for Whale
More Orca Press Releases

Biden Administration Recommits to Tribal Treaties, Endangered Salmon Restoration
Defenders of Wildlife applauds the Biden administration for its release of a presidential memo calling for federal agencies to take swift action to restore salmon populations across the Columbia and Snake River Basin.

Sighting of New Baby Orca Reported
A new Southern Resident orca calf is reported to have been born into L-pod recently and we are working to confirm the sighting. The calf

Southern Resident Orcas Move Closer to Oregon Endangered Species Protections
The Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission voted today to advance a petition seeking to protect southern resident orcas under the state Endangered Species Act (ESA).

Petition Seeks Oregon Endangered Species Protection for Southern Resident Orcas
The Center for Biological Diversity, Defenders of Wildlife, and Whale and Dolphin Conservation filed a petition today to protect Southern Resident orcas under the Oregon Endangered Species Act. As of the most recent census, just 73 Southern Resident orcas remain, divided among three family groups.

Energy, Fishing, and Conservation Groups Respond to Washington Lawmakers' Presumptive Plan for Snake River Dam Replacement
Defenders of Wildlife and groups across the Northwest are calling on elected leaders from the region to fulfill their commitment to salmon restoration in the Columbia Basin, including breaching the four lower Snake River dams as soon as possible.