Red Knots and Horseshoe Crabs

Defenders of Wildlife Statement on Dismissal of Challenge to Cape Romain Refuge Management

Defenders of Wildlife celebrates today the dismissal of a challenge by the state of South Carolina to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s authority to
Baby Green Sea Turtles on the beach
Washington, DC

More Than 80 Conservation Groups Call on Members of Congress To Oppose New House Bill Targeting Endangered Species Act

More than 80 conservation groups representing millions of Americans are calling on members of Congress to oppose a new bill (H.R. 9533) targeting the Endangered Species Act (ESA). The “ESA Amendments Act of 2024,” which House Natural Resources Chair Bruce Westerman (R-Ark.) is proposing, would dramatically weaken the bedrock environmental law by decreasing protections for threatened and endangered species and rewriting key portions of it.
2012.06.10 - Gray Wolf - Yellowstone National Park - Wyoming - Jim Chagares
Washington, D.C.

Defenders Responds to FWS Steps to Remove Gray Wolf ESA Protections

The USFWS last week took steps toward dismantling Endangered Species Act protections for gray wolves, seeking to revive a Trump-era rule Defenders of Wildlife successfully challenged in court.

Press Releases

2019.12.27 - Black Bear Momma with Cub - Tongass National Forest - Alaska - Jen Christopherson - DOW
St. Petersburg, Fl.

Defenders Condemns Passage of Harmful Florida Bear Killing Bill

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis made an unfortunate and deadly decision for Florida’s black bears by signing a bill into law that allows state residents to
Newborn Gray Wolf Pups
Denver, CO

Colorado Confirms New Wolf Pack with Wolf Pup Sighting

Colorado Parks and Wildlife announced this week that two reintroduced gray wolves have successfully reproduced in Grand County with a confirmed sighting of the first
Great blue heron with fish
Chapel Hill, NC

Bird sanctuary protected from planned toxic chemical use this year

As a result of a lawsuit filed by SELC on behalf of Defenders of Wildlife and the Sierra Club last month, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service agreed to halt its plans to turn an iconic migratory bird sanctuary into a testing ground this summer for a chemical that is toxic to birds.
2023.04.27 - Northern Bobwhite Eggs Burned - Texas - Coastal Bend Bays & Estuaries Program (CC BY-ND 2.0).jpg

Defenders responds to report on shorebird losses at Boca Chica after SpaceX Starship Launch

Defenders of Wildlife released the following response to a Coastal Bend & Bay Estuaries Program report that points to shorebird nest losses following the June
Black-footed ferret poking out of a hole

Defenders Prepares for Black-Footed Ferret Mortality Following Prairie Dog Plague Announcement

The National Park Service and U.S. Forest Service today confirmed sylvatic plague as the cause of prairie dog die-off across three South Dakota ecosystems. The
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