
Defenders Honors Representative Raúl Grijalva
Defenders of Wildlife President and CEO Andrew Bowman, issued the following statement honoring longtime wildlife and environmental ally Representative Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ) who passed away yesterday.

Defenders Releases 2024 Conservation Report Card for 118th Congress
Defenders of Wildlife today released its 2024 Conservation Report Card for the 118th Congress assessing the commitment of U.S. senators and representatives to wildlife and

Defenders Condemns Dangerous New Attempt to Gut Endangered Species Act
Defenders of Wildlife today condemned the continued assault on the Endangered Species Act by Rep. Bruce Westerman (R-AR), Chair of the House Natural Resources Committee.
Press Releases

Hunting and Trapping Season Proposed Despite Precarious Alexander Archipelago Wolf Status
Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADFG) and the U.S. Forest Service announced their intention today that the 2020-2021 hunting and trapping season for the Alexander Archipelago wolf be reduced but still proceed, despite the uncertain future of the wolf.

Latino Outdoors Supports Wolf Reintroduction in Colorado
The Colorado chapter of Latino Outdoors just officially endorsed Proposition 114, which appears on Colorado’s general election ballot this year. If passed, the ballot measure would require the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Department to develop and implement a plan to reintroduce wolves to lands west of the continental divide by the end of 2023.

MEDIA ADVISORY: Summit to Educate Attendees About the Importance of Beavers in Ecosystems
Defenders of Wildlife and WildEarth Guardians, along with other state, federal and non-profit partners, have organized a virtual New Mexico Beaver Summit to help educate landowners on the benefits and challenges of living with beavers.

Bureau of Land Management Fast-Tracks Arctic Refuge Seismic Permits
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is reviewing a permit application for seismic exploration for the fragile coastal plain of Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Seismic exploration would profoundly impact this important landscape for decades, scarring the tundra, damaging critical habitat for imperiled polar bears and potentially causing the death of denning mother bears with cubs.

Harvest of horseshoe crabs for blood challenged at SC wildlife refuge
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is failing to follow the law and its obligation to protect one of South Carolina’s most pristine coastal sanctuaries by allowing commercial harvest of horseshoe crabs at Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge.