Now is the Time to Think about Reintroducing Jaguars into the U.S.
A group of scientists say now is the time to talk about reintroducing jaguars (Panthera onca) into the U.S.
Take Down the Wall to Protect Imperiled Species
In addition to harming human communities, border wall construction in recent years has destroyed some of the nation’s most valuable wildlife habitat and blocked critical wildlife movement at a continental scale, including within national parks, wildlife refuges, monuments and wilderness areas.
New Study Reveals Habitat That Could Increase Jaguar Numbers
This week, a new, peer-reviewed scientific study finds that there is far more potential jaguar habitat in the U.S. than was previously thought. Scientists identified an area of more than 20 million acres that could support jaguars in the U.S., 27 times the size of designated critical habitat.
More Jaguar Press Releases
Newly Announced Expansion of Border Wall Could Be Disastrous for Wildlife
The Washington Post reported that the Trump administration will redirect $7.2 billion in Pentagon funds to build over 800 more miles of border wall.
Biodiversity Crisis in Latin America Brings Nations Together for the First High Level Conference of the Americas on Wildlife Trade
Governments, international governmental organizations and NGOs met last week in Peru at the First High Level Conference of the Americas on Wildlife Trade to discuss new challenges and opportunities surrounding illegal wildlife trade (IWT) in the region.
Appropriations bills target greater sage-grouse, border wall
“This year has been another bad year for sage-grouse. The Trump administration has yanked away protections for the grouse and is supporting state plans that jeopardize this iconic bird’s future, all while populations continue to decline across the West."
Defenders of Wildlife Applauds Victories for Sharks, Jaguars at 18th CITES Conference of the Parties but Calls for Protection of Glass Frogs
The 183 Parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Flora and Fauna (CITES) met this month to discuss strengthening enforcement in wildlife trade. The countries discussed and reviewed 160 documents and proposals for commercially exploited aquatic species, exotic pets, tropical timber and species including sharks, elephants and big cats, among others.
Defenders of Wildlife Attends International Workshop on Jaguar Conservation
The Plurinational government of Bolivia last week hosted the First International workshop to combat the illegal trade of jaguars. Participants included Interpol, UNODC, CITES, various government representatives of jaguar range states and conservation groups, including Defenders of Wildlife.