
Defenders' Statement on Trump Nominee for Director of Bureau of Land Management
“The administration’s nomination of Kathleen Sgamma represents a threat to the conservation of our nation’s public lands and wildlife."

Defenders Statement on ‘Restoring Energy Dominance’ Hearing
The House of Representatives Committee on Natural Resources today held a hearing taking aim at science and longstanding legal protections for U.S. coastal waters, as

Burgum Signs Orders That Will Destroy Wildlife, Protected Places
Interior Secretary Doug Burgum yesterday issued a series of secretarial orders that are an attack on the Endangered Species Act, migratory bird protections and federal
Press Releases

Ocelot Conservation Day Returns to Brownsville
Ocelot Conservation Festival, hosted by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Friends of the Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge, and Defenders of Wildlife, returns

New Refuge System Designation Expands Florida Wildlife Protections
Defenders of Wildlife joined today with conservation groups and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to celebrate the official designation of the Everglades to Gulf
Environmental and Fishing Groups Raise Alarm About Ongoing Killing of Federally Protected Fish by the Central Valley Project and State Water Project
On March 6, a coalition of environmental and fishing groups reiterated their request that a federal court modify federal agencies’ proposed interim plan for operating

Defenders Calls on Governor to Veto Killing of Bears Act
Defenders of Wildlife is calling on Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to veto a proposed bill that would allow residents to shoot and kill black bears

Defenders Calls Out “America’s Wildlife Habitat and Conservation Act” For What It Is – A Trojan Horse Against Imperiled Species
Defenders of Wildlife staunchly opposes today’s Committee on Natural Resources Subcommittee on Water, Wildlife and Fisheries’ hearing on “America’s Wildlife Habitat and Conservation Act” sponsored