2020.01.18 - North Atlantic Right Whale Surfacing - FWC Fish and Wildlife Research Institute
Washington, DC

Right Whale Vessel Strike Protections Sought by Nov. 1

Conservation groups this week asked a federal judge to set a Nov. 1 deadline for long-delayed federal action to finalize expanded vessel strike protections for
2023.08.10 - © Jennifer Kardiak-USDA Forest Service.jpg

National Park Service Restores Protection for Predators in Alaska National Preserves

The National Park Service released new regulations that restore protections for predators on national preserves in Alaska. This is a reversal of a Trump administration
2022.06.12 - Female Caribou - Teshekpuk Lake - Alaska - Ashley Sabatino-BLM.jpg

Defenders applauds BLM’s move to maintain land protections in Alaska

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) today released its final review and proposal to retain environmental protections on 28 million acres of habitat critical to

Press Releases

Senate Environment Committee Holds Hearing on ‘Modernizing’ the Endangered Species Act

Washington (Feb. 15, 2017) – The U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works held an oversight hearing today on the need for so-called “modernization”

INVITE: “Wolf Conservation in Colorado: Past, Present, and Future” Symposium, Featuring Live Wolves, Film Screening and Panel Discussion

EMBARGOED UNTIL 6:00 PM MT ON FEB. 15, 2017 Contact: Ryan Wilbur; (720) 943-0471; Leigh Anne Tiffany; (202) 772-0259; Delia Malone; Sierra Club

Pioneering Study Reveals Nonlethal Wolf Deterrents Effectively Protect Livestock Across Large Grazing Areas

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Leigh Anne Tiffany; (202) 772-0259; Suzanne Stone; (208) 861-4655; After seven years of field research, Idaho's Wood River Wolf

Conservation Groups Intervene to Protect Carnivores on Alaska National Wildlife Refuges

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Feb. 8, 2017 Contact: Leigh Anne Tiffany; (202) 772-0259; Anchorage, AK (Feb. 8, 2017) – Defenders of Wildlife and 14 other

Congressional Review Act Claims Latest Victim

WASHINGTON (Feb. 7, 2017) —The House of Representatives invoked the Congressional Review Act again today to rescind a new planning process for the Bureau of
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