2015.3.18 - Greater Sage Grouse - Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge - Wyoming - Tom Koerner - FWS
Washington, DC

Defenders of Wildlife Opposes Disastrous House Interior Appropriations Bill

The U.S. House of Representatives passed its Interior and Environment appropriations bill for Fiscal Year 2025 by a vote of 210-205. Defenders of Wildlife opposes this anti-wildlife bill which includes steep funding cuts and an immense number of anti-wildlife riders.
2019.08.22 - Fort Peck Bison Release - Cultural herd - MS landscape - Chamois Andersen-DOW
Washington, DC

Yellowstone Bison Contemporary Plan Allows for Ecological and Cultural Values 

Conservation groups offered qualified praise for the new Yellowstone Bison Management Plan after the signing of a final record of decision by the National Park
Wild gray wolf in the Northwest Peak Roadless Area
Olympia, WA

Wolves Secure Needed Victory in Washington

The Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission today announced its decision to maintain state endangered status for the gray wolf, keeping in place key protections throughout

Press Releases

2001 - Polar Bears - Mom and Cubs - Steven Amstrup USGS.jpg
Washington, DC

More than 200 Species Need Protection from International Commercial Trade, Defenders and Partners Tell Biden Administration

Defenders of Wildlife, together with NRDC (the Natural Resources Defense Council) and Center for Biological Diversity, today asked the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) to seek a ban on commercial trade for more than 200 species of animals and plants that are threatened with extinction, including reindeer, turtles, sea otters, tarantulas, aquarium fish, sharks, frogs, orchids, trees and over 50 coral species.
Washington, DC

Defenders Opposes Current Version of House Farm Bill

In response to the U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Agriculture release of its draft Farm Bill, Defenders of Wildlife is voicing its opposition to the legislation. As drafted, the bill includes several key elements of that would detrimentally affect the nation’s ability to combat the biodiversity and climate crises and, further, severely weakens landmark environmental laws that support wildlife and eliminate key climate safeguards from Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) funding.
Snow Geese
Chapel Hill, N.C.

Conservation Groups Ask Court to Protect Migratory Bird Sanctuary

Conservation groups today asked a federal court to protect an iconic sanctuary for migratory birds from a government plan to spread a chemical that could
A wolverine lays in the snow in Montana
Denver, Colo.

Defenders applauds Colorado law bringing wolverine closer to reintroduction

Colorado today is one step closer to reintroducing the North American wolverine. Governor Jared Polis signed Senate Bill 24-171, authorizing Colorado Parks and Wildlife to
Dunes Sagebrush Lizard
Washington, DC

Defenders Welcomes Dunes Sagebrush Lizard Endangered Listing

In a long-awaited victory for the dunes sagebrush lizard, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service today announced the species will be listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act.
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