2014.06.25 - Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta - California - Steve martarano - USFWS.jpg
Washington, D.C.

Defenders of Wildlife Slams Expected Bay-Delta Executive Order

Defenders of Wildlife Ashley Overhouse, Water Policy Advisor, today issued the following statement in response to President Trump’s planned tour of the fire ravaged areas

‘Fix Our Forests Act’ Only Fixes for Logging

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. House of Representatives is expected to vote on January 23 on the misleadingly named “Fix Our Forests Act,” which aims
The White House with a dark cloudy sky
Washington, D.C.

Defenders of Wildlife Voices Strong Opposition to Expected Trump Executive Orders

Ahead of today’s inauguration, Defenders of Wildlife is voicing strong opposition to a slate of expected executive orders that President-elect Donald Trump has proclaimed he

Press Releases

Surveying Gray Wolf
Denver, CO

Defenders Responds to News Copper Creek Pack will be Returned to the Wild

Following Colorado Parks and Wildlife's announcement that it intends to return the remaining members of the Copper Creek wolf pack into the wild, Defenders of Wildlife issued this response.
Tongass Glacier

Defenders of Wildlife and Defenders United Celebrate Historic Collective Bargaining Agreement

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Defenders of Wildlife, the nation’s leading nonprofit dedicated to protecting, preserving and restoring wildlife and critical habitat, and Defenders United, the union
2018.8.27 - Eastern Hellbender Profile on Rock Underwater - Isaac Szabo
Washington, DC

Proposed ESA Listing for Eastern Hellbender Comes Not a Moment Too Soon

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service today proposed to list the eastern hellbender salamander as endangered under the Endangered Species Act, providing critical protections to
2023.11.19 - Pinyon Jays in tree - Topaz Lake, Nevada -  by JC Bleam.jpg

Defenders Lawsuit Challenges Failure to Protect Pinyon Jay

Defenders of Wildlife today filed a lawsuit against the Secretary of the Interior and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for violating the Endangered Species
Monarch Butterfly
Washington, D.C.

Defenders Applauds Overdue Listing for Monarch Butterfly

“The protections that come with Endangered Species Act listing increase the chance that these precious pollinators will rebound and recover throughout their historic range," said Defenders' Andrew Carter.
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