2015.3.18 - Greater Sage Grouse - Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge - Wyoming - Tom Koerner - FWS
Washington, DC

Defenders of Wildlife Opposes Disastrous House Interior Appropriations Bill

The U.S. House of Representatives passed its Interior and Environment appropriations bill for Fiscal Year 2025 by a vote of 210-205. Defenders of Wildlife opposes this anti-wildlife bill which includes steep funding cuts and an immense number of anti-wildlife riders.
2019.08.22 - Fort Peck Bison Release - Cultural herd - MS landscape - Chamois Andersen-DOW
Washington, DC

Yellowstone Bison Contemporary Plan Allows for Ecological and Cultural Values 

Conservation groups offered qualified praise for the new Yellowstone Bison Management Plan after the signing of a final record of decision by the National Park
Wild gray wolf in the Northwest Peak Roadless Area
Olympia, WA

Wolves Secure Needed Victory in Washington

The Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission today announced its decision to maintain state endangered status for the gray wolf, keeping in place key protections throughout

Press Releases

Washington, DC

Environmental groups applaud state for taking enforcement action against coal landfill

Environmental groups announced their support today for the Maryland Department of the Environment's decision to take enforcement action against Mirant MD Ash Management, LLC and Mirant Mid-Atlantic, LLC for violations of the federal Clean Water Act and state law at the Brandywine coal ash landfill.
Tucson, Ariz.

Endangered jaguars will get a recovery plan, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service says

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said it will draw up a recovery plan for endangered jaguars in the Southwest.

Feds agree endangered Florida manatees need more habitat protection

USFWS announced today that new critical habitat protections are warranted for Florida’s endangered manatee, but the agency will wait for increased funding before it takes action.
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