gray wolf
Denver, CO

Defenders' Statement on CPW Commission Denial of Petition to Pause Gray Wolf Reintroduction

The Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission today announced it will deny a petition to pause the state's voter-mandated gray wolf reintroduction program. Defenders of Wildlife's
2010.10.28 - Caribou Grazing in Front of Mountains - Alaska - Colin Arisman.jpg
Washington, D.C.

Second Legally Mandated Lease Sale in the Arctic Refuge a Complete Failure, Receives No Bids

The Biden administration just concluded the second legally mandated lease sale in the Arctic Refuge. It should come as no surprise that this lease sale
Bear cub on back of mother in snow
Washington, DC

Defenders Statement on Grizzly Bear Delisting Status Decision

WASHINGTON, DC — The US Fish & Wildlife Service today determined there is not a basis to delist grizzly bears in the Northern Continental Divide

Press Releases

Shortfin mako shark
Washington, DC

Compromise at ICCAT Raises Hopes for Recovery of Mako Sharks

After years of inaction, the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT)—the international entity responsible for the management of Atlantic tuna and bycatch species, including sharks, has finally reached a decision that will benefit the endangered and overfished population of North Atlantic shortfin makos.
Lone Wolf Closeup
Columbia County, WA

Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Kills Wolf in Southeast Washington

Today, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) announced it shot and killed a wolf in Columbia County, Washington. The wolf was one of several adults and pups establishing new territory north of the Touchet pack and west of the Tucannon pack.
Greater Sage Grouse - Wyoming
Washington, DC

Biden Administration to Propose New Protections for Sage Grouse

The Biden administration announced today that it will consider new measures to conserve the greater sage-grouse, a bird once found across much of the U.S
Black bears on rocks above Anan Creek Tongass NF
Anchorage, AK

Defenders Applauds Biden Administration’s Move to Protect Roadless Areas in Tongass National Forest

The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced that next week it will propose reinstating the national Roadless Area Conservation Rule in the Tongass National Forest in Southeast Alaska. The move would restrict development on roughly 9.3 million acres in North America’s largest temperate rainforest.
Capitol Building
Washington, DC

Wildlife Conservation and Climate Resiliency Highlighted as House Passes Build Back Better

Today, the U.S. House of Representatives passed its version of the Build Back Better Act which, at $1.75 trillion, has many key provisions for the protection of endangered species, climate mitigation and adaptation and forest health. The bill must next pass Senate, where it faces a razor-thin margin.
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