5 Ways to Advocate for Wildlife

With our wildlife, public lands and landmark environmental laws like the Endangered Species Act under constant attack on Capitol Hill, we need your voice now

Win-Win: The Endangered Species Act and Our National Parks

Win-Win: The Endangered Species Act and Our National Parks, a report from National Parks Conservation Association and Defenders of Wildlife, demonstrates how national parks and the ESA support each other – a win-win for parks and wildlife.

Analysis of Illegal Wildlife Shipments From Latin America Seized in the United States, 2007–2017

To better understand wildlife trafficking from Latin America (Mexico, the Caribbean, Central America and South America) to the United States, Defenders of Wildlife reviewed 10 years of data on seizures of wildlife and wildlife parts and products from the Law Enforcement Management Information System (LEMIS) Trade Database managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS).

NGO Legal Acquisition Finding Recommendations

A CITES shipment must be considered legal only when it is accompanied by a permit issued by the Management Authority of the exporting country, after making the Legal Acquisition Finding and receiving the Non-Detriment Finding from the Scientific Authority. This document provides guidance recommendations for CITES Authorities to issue an export, import or re-export CITES permit.

SSN Shark Newsletter - Spring 2018

Shark newsletter includes news from around the world on the status, international trade and new regulations for sharks and mantas.

In the Shadow of the Wall

From the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico, the 2,000-mile U.S.-Mexico border passes through regions rich in biological diversity and communities engaged in conservation.

Conservation Hotspots at Risk on the Arizona Border

The 2,000-mile u.s.-mexico border passes through several conservation hotspots, including two in Arizona, the Sonoran Desert and the Sky Islands. These are areas important to endangered and threatened species and other wildlife and in which the United States and Mexico have significant investments in conservation lands and collaborative projects.
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