Southern sea otter looking straight at camera floating In the water on back
Washington, DC

Defenders Seeks to Defend Rule Extending Endangered Protections to Threatened Species

Defenders of Wildlife has filed a motion to intervene as a defendant in a case challenging the reinstatement of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s
Washington, D.C.

Defenders Honors Representative Raúl Grijalva

Defenders of Wildlife President and CEO Andrew Bowman, issued the following statement honoring longtime wildlife and environmental ally Representative Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ) who passed away yesterday.
Conservation Report Card 2024
Washington, D.C.

Defenders Releases 2024 Conservation Report Card for 118th Congress

Defenders of Wildlife today released its 2024 Conservation Report Card for the 118th Congress assessing the commitment of U.S. senators and representatives to wildlife and

Press Releases

Bald eagle
Washington, DC

Landmark Bipartisan Legislation to Protect Wildlife Corridors Passes the U.S. House of Representatives

The bipartisan Wildlife Corridors Conservation Act along with $300 million for wildlife crossings and provisions to support wildlife road crossings passed the House floor as part of H.R. 2 the Moving Forward Act stimulus package.
Desert bighorn sheep ram
Washington, DC

House Votes to Give Military Control Over More than 800,000 Acres in Desert National Wildlife Refuge

An amendment to expand military testing and control of 800,000 acres of refuge land in Desert National Wildlife Refuge in Nevada was approved today.
Sea Otters Holding On

New Research Details Economic Benefits of Sea Otters

A new study published in Science this month describes a predictive model that assesses the economic and ecological benefits of healthy sea otter populations.
Bald Eagle
Washington, DC

New Climate Proposal Protects Lands and Species

Today, the U.S. House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis released its blueprint for congressional action to address the climate crisis.
Right Whale
Elberon, NJ

North Atlantic Right Whale Found Dead Off New Jersey Coast

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Fisheries officials announced today that a dead North Atlantic right whale has been sighted off the coast of Elberon, New Jersey. The whale has not yet been identified, though NOAA and the Marine Mammal Stranding Center are working to secure a necropsy site. Cause of death is unknown. This marks the first confirmed right whale death in U.S. waters in 2020.
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