
Judge Rejects Federal Project Threatening California’s Desert Tortoises
A judge has rejected federal agencies’ approval of activities in the California Desert Conservation Area, including a vast network of off-road vehicle routes in the

California Fish and Game Commission Finds Mojave Desert Tortoise Status Warrants Uplisting to 'Endangered' Under California Endangered Species Act
SAN JOSE, California – Defenders of Wildlife, the Desert Tortoise Council and the Desert Tortoise Preserve Committee applaud the California Fish and Game Commission’s unanimous

Defenders and Allies Respond to BLM Announcement on Highway through Red Cliffs National Conservation Area
Update of 3pm ET 11/16/2023: The U.S. District Court issued an opinion, irrespective of BLM’s announcement, affirming the need to reconsider approval of the highway
More Tortoises Press Releases

CA Fish and Game Commission Moves to Change Desert Tortoise Status from Threatened to Endangered
The California Fish and Game Commission voted today to move forward with strengthening protections for the Agassiz’s desert tortoise under the California Endangered Species Act (CESA).

California Fish and Game Commission Accepts Recommendation to Strengthen Protections for Desert Tortoise
Today, the California Fish and Game Commission voted unanimously to accept a report from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) that recommends strengthening protections for the Agassiz’s desert tortoise.

House Votes to Give Military Control Over More than 800,000 Acres in Desert National Wildlife Refuge
An amendment to expand military testing and control of 800,000 acres of refuge land in Desert National Wildlife Refuge in Nevada was approved today.

Conservation Groups Petition for Stronger Agassiz’s Desert Tortoise Protections
Today, Defenders of Wildlife, along with the Desert Tortoise Council and Desert Tortoise Preserve Committee, submitted a petition to the California Fish and Game Commission to change the listing status of Agassiz’s desert tortoise from threatened to endangered.

Department of Defense Legislation Proposes 1.1 Million Acre Takeover of National Wildlife Refuge for Military Training
The Washington Post reported today that the Department of Defense has developed legislation that would expand military control and use of more than two-thirds of Desert National Wildlife Refuge in Nevada for military training purposes.