2015.02.11 - Mexican Gray Wolf Stare - Rebecca Bose - Wolf Conservation Center.JPG

Defenders, Conservationists Celebrate Female Mexican Gray Wolf Movement

Female Mexican gray wolf 2996 has peacefully wandered north of Interstate 40 in New Mexico toward Mount Taylor, an area of pristine habitat teeming with
Carbon emissions from chimneys
Washington, D.C.

Defenders Denounces Appalling ESA Amendments Act Ahead of 3/25 House Hearing

Defenders of Wildlife denounced the appalling ESA Amendments Act of 2025 ahead of a hearing for the bill in the House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Water, Wildlife and Fisheries this coming Tuesday, March 25.
Mexican gray wolf
Washington, D.C.

Defenders Awarded Wildlife Conservation Grant from Foxwynd Foundation

Defenders of Wildlife and the Foxwynd Foundation today announce a partnership in wildlife conservation through a generous donation provided by the Foxwynd Foundation's Donor Advised Fund.

More Mexican Gray Wolf Press Releases

Mexican gray wolf
Tucson, AZ

Court Ruling: Federal Government Must Address Poaching in Mexican Gray Wolf Recovery Plan

In response to a lawsuit by conservation groups, a judge has ruled that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) must add specific actions to address the poaching of Mexican gray wolves in their plan for the species’ recovery.
Photo of the White House in Washington, DC
Washington, DC

With Biden Win, It’s Now or Never for the Environment

Former Vice President Joe Biden is the next President of the United States, signaling an end to four years of relentless attacks on wildlife, including more than 100 environmental regulation changes.
Howling gray wolf yellowstone

6 Reasons Why You Should Care About Wolves

As a top predator, wolves are essential to maintaining the health of many ecosystems around the world. With their piercing looks and melancholy howls, wolves
Guadalupe Canyon, Arizona

Footage shows Further Border Destruction in Arizona Wilderness

As border wall construction continues along the U.S.-Mexico border, more and more landscapes are being bulldozed and blasted to create even ground for building, including last week near Guadalupe Canyon in the Peloncillo Mountains of Arizona.
Capitol Building

House DHS Budget Prioritizes Border Communities

Today, the House Appropriations Committee marked up its proposed FY21 spending bill.
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