
Defenders Condemns Dangerous New Attempt to Gut Endangered Species Act
Defenders of Wildlife today condemned the continued assault on the Endangered Species Act by Rep. Bruce Westerman (R-AR), Chair of the House Natural Resources Committee.

Defenders Denounces Misleadingly Named Fix Our Forests Act
Defenders of Wildlife once again denounced the misleadingly named Fix Our Forests Act following debate today in the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, Subcommittee on Conservation, Climate, Forestry, and Natural Resources.

Ocelot Fest Returns to Brownsville
Ocelot Conservation Festival, the annual celebration of Texas’ beloved native cat, returns to the Gladys Porter Zoo on March 9. Hosted by the U.S. Fish
Press Releases

Court Sides with World’s Most Endangered Wolf
Last week, the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina ruled that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service must resume releasing captive Red Wolves into the wild, a major victory for the species. The case, filed on behalf of Defenders of Wildlife, Red Wolf Coalition and Animal Welfare Institute by the Southern Environmental Law Center, will help bolster the wild population which resides in the Red Wolf Recovery Area in Eastern North Carolina.

Defenders of Wildlife Petitions to Protect Imperiled Shortfin Mako Shark
Defenders of Wildlife today petitioned the National Marine Fisheries Service to protect the shortfin mako shark under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). The species has declined dramatically across the world’s oceans because of overfishing and fisheries bycatch. The shortfin mako is the fastest-swimming shark on record.

Thirteenth Critically Endangered Right Whale Calf of the Season Spotted Near Georgia
Yesterday, NOAA Fisheries announced that a newborn North Atlantic right whale had been spotted near Wassaw Island, Georgia, making it the 13th calf of the 2020-2021 calving season. The newborn was accompanied by its 14-year-old mother. This calf is the mother’s first.

President Biden to Take Action for Wildlife on Day One
On his first day in the White House, President Joe Biden plans to sign 15 executive orders today covering the pandemic, economic relief, immigration, climate change and racial equity. Some of the actions will reverse harmful environmental decisions made by the Trump administration.

Inauguration Day Brings Hope for Wildlife
President & CEO Jamie Rappaport Clark on the inauguration of Joe Biden as President of the United States.